I found this particular T-shirt on cafepress.com, and it reminds me of the thing I hate most about politics. Why is it that people can't sell me on their candidate rather than bashing the other guy?
I'm prepared for a particularly vicious presidential campaign this year, but I'm already sick of it. Politics is not a sport in which it is OK to hate your rival, because in this case your rival is an American citizen offering himself or herself for service, and by extension, your rival is anyone who supports that candidate. I frankly don't think it is healthy or productive to hate half the country.
This doesn't mean it isn't OK to be adamantly fanatic about your candidate, but show me somebody who is. What I see most of the time are people who are adamantly antagonistic to somebody else. If you really care, sell me on your guy. Don't just bash somebody else until I truly feel I'm left with the choice between a Giant Douche or a Turd Sandwich.
I'll be more specific: Don't scream at me how inexperienced Barack Obama is. Inexperience doesn't make him stupid or incapable. Tell me instead how John McCain's experience makes him the better choice. And don't just tell me that "McCain = McSame." Any fool can quote a catchy, smartass soundbite. Tell me instead how Obama's differences make him the superior pick. Sell me your guy, don't sell the other guy down the river. Because he might be your president, and I guarantee you live with or work with or associate with someone who supports him. And if your guy wins, don't you hope "the other side" can be swayed to see some value in him?
Or maybe you'd just rather fight.
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