09 September 2008

Cold, Hard Pasta Salad Facts

I got an email this morning from my pal BomberDawg which asked, "this yew?" and enclosed a link to An Angry Chick Troll's Pasta Salad recipe on coldhardfootballfacts.com.

Yep. It's me.

The recipe is one I made via experimentation, but was inspired by a pasta salad my friend Sonya made for a party once. She got hers from Homemade Gourmet, and it was really good. I don't have one of those stores where I live, and ordering online for one item seemed excessive. So I decided to experiment, which can be dangerous given the fact that I'm not a good cook. After a few tries I got it how I liked it. I'm not sure how close it is at this point to the inspiration dish, but it's good. And it's different.

I'm particularly tickled that I got included on the CHFF tailgate section. It's my favorite football information website. The writing is sharp and funny. It makes me laugh every time I go there. Check it out.

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