I don't typically make a New Year's Resolution. I know myself well enough to know that my dedication and attention span are far too short to ever attach a long-term commitment to most things. Don't get me wrong. I can focus like a laser when I make up my mind. Oh look! A chicken!
Huh? Oh, right. My blog.
Take the guitar, for instance. I haven't done what I'd call real practice in a week. Granted, I've had some stuff to do. Holidays get in the way of a lot of things. Still, another week and I might forget about it completely. I really don't want that to happen. Again. But if you know a bookie who puts odds on such things...I'm just saying.
Like a lot of stuff, I like the idea that magic can make it happen. And then when it doesn't I can just say, "Well, fate was against me." It eases the pain of failure when you do that. Of course it's a lie, but that's a secondary concern.
I'm giving it some thought this year though. I want better. I deserve better too. I'm a nice person! My friend Sam says so, and he's a smart lawyer, so it must be true. But I do realize it can't come from magic. At least not from magic that isn't inside me. I have the power to command my destiny, just like you do. So I guess that's it then. I resolve to command my own destiny.
Oh look! A chicken!
(Just kidding!)
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