20 January 2008

Her Fruit

OK, here is a painting I did a while back. It's called "Her Fruit." It's a tree that is obviously in the shape of a woman and this tree is laden with fruit and no one is there to pick it up. The tree seems to be a little isolated, so maybe people just don't know about it. Or maybe they've avoided it.

You may look at this--and you are welcome to look at it any way you like--and think it's pretty crappy or juvenile or just goofy and that's OK. I don't really paint for anyone but myself. Everyone has something to offer and sometimes people like it and sometimes they don't. Sometimes even if they like it, they have had enough for now. The tree in the painting is profuse with fruit and maybe that is too much for some people to take. Or sometimes, people may look at the fruit you have to offer like it's a starfruit and it's just too strange for them and all they can say is, "Hmm," with their eyebrows knitted and their lips pursed like my mother's expression when I told her I wanted military boots for Christmas.

I get a lot of inspiration from Val's Art Diary, which is something I discovered about a year ago on youtube. I love Valentina! She's really charming and adorable and just a little kooky and silly, and I suppose I feel comfortable around people like that. I like her paintings also. They are usually full of color and texture and whimsical patterns like swirls and curlicues. Sometimes they are dark, though, and I know that feeling too. Anyway, she creates a little explanatory video about her paintings and posts the video every week. Here's a link to all her videos so far. I think of Valentina when I think of the fruits we all have to offer. You will find comments on her videos that are very critical, yes. But she also makes a living as an artist because of the people who appreciate her offerings and find them delicious.

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