28 December 2007

Don't cry, Derek

Look, Derek Anderson. I know I've been hard on you at times, but in the end, you are my quarterback. So act like one. Stop being a pussy.

What's this crap about you stomping out of a press conference because some wiseacre asks you if Quinn should get some reps Sunday? You walked out? You got your wittle feelings hurt? Come on! Do you think Tom Brady would handle something like that? Nah. He'd act like the quarterback. So let's work on that, shall we? I'll help. Picture yourself in the following scenario:

Wiseacre reporter: "Hey Derek, you think this is a good week for Quinn to get some reps? And by the way, did you remember that you had four picks last week?"

Derek Anderson: "I'm the starting quarterback. Romeo Crennel is the head coach. That's a question for the coach. Next?"

See how smooth that was? Believe me, Derek, I am a champion bait-grabber and it always leads to frustration. Don't do it. If you can't handle some idiot in a press conference, how the heck do you plan to handle the playoffs? Think about it.


Anonymous said...

Get the fuck out of here


Moxie Dawn said...

Wilksie...tsk tsk. The season is over! Your "GTFOOH" is a day late and a dollar short. Keep up better!