10 November 2007

For my fellow Disorganisms

Years ago I put a sticky note on my compter. (I use a Mac, so my sticky notes are actually little electronic notes on the desktop and not real paper. How very green of me.) The note said, "You are Organized and Efficient." It was a lie, but I was hoping it would inspire.

My disorganization is wide-ranging, sparing no area of my life. My desk is a mess. My house is a mess. My purse is a mess. While it has been said that a messy desk is a sign of genius, I am inclined to think some fellow messy person just made that up to console our feelings and confuse the neat-freaks for whom incongruities will sometimes ruin an entire day. Hehehe.

Truth is, the mess is depressing when it gets to be too much. Being the instant gratification sort, I look for quick fixes for my problem. I actually purchased something once called "pile sorters." These were folders, complete with a labeling area, designed to lay flat on your desk. In a pile, as it were. The organization part was that you put the papers you normally pile up on your desk inside the pile sorter folders, and thusly sorted, you are instantly organized! When cleaning the other day, I found my pile sorter folders--all empty--at the bottom of a big pile of papers, most of which ended up in the trash.

I've bought a million "organizer" handbags, which never help and only add to the clutter in my closet. I'm the proud owner of a new Palm Pilot aimed at figuratively organizing everything in my life. So far, I have loaded some pictures into it.

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